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Irgendwie klingt das Interview unvollständig ...
"MOTORRAD: Sind die Ermittlungen zu dem Unfall inzwischen abgeschlossen?
BMW: Ja. Die Unfallstelle, der mögliche Unfallhergang und das Motorrad wurden von der lokalen Polizei und BMW Motorrad untersucht."
Fehlt aus meiner Sicht:
"MOTORRAD: Zu welchem Ergebnis sind die lokale Polizei und BMW Motorrad gekommen?"
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Hier übrigens ne Antwort auf meine Anfrage über Facebook direkt von BMW:
Dear Matthias, dear Daniel, BMW Motorrad is currently conducting a technical campaign on the Telelever fork of the R 1200 GS. During long-term bench testing, there was found to be the slight chance of a fork tube bolt loosening (after approx. 60.000 km).
There has been no occurrence of this during road tests or in the field. The simple fix is for a locking mechanism to be applied to the fork bolt. As soon as a bike has been checked and the simple modification made, it can be delivered immediately. Many bikes have already been modified, but in some markets there may be a short delay of a few days in making this modification and then delivering the new bike to customers.
Joerg of the BMW Motorrad Facebook Team