Da ich mir schon Windows 7 (64bit) geholt habe, werde ich mir wohl Studio 14 zum Videoschneiden besorgen. Vielleicht nutzen die kommenden Versionen sämtliche CPU-Kerne.
Hallo Werner,
folgende Info fand ich beim Hersteller der ContourHD Kamera:
14. What are the PC requirements to playback 1080p video?
1080p and 960p both have great appeal from a video quality perspective. This amazing quality is achieved by capturing high quantities of data compared to standard definition video formats. Playback and editing of these data-intensive video formats can be problematic if your computer does not have the necessary resources to effectively process large amounts of data very quickly. Under-resourced computers will result in choppy playback of high-definition video files.
We have conducted some testing in order to determine computer requirements for 1080p playback. Playback testing was performed on a desktop computer. Laptop performance should be similar. Please note that we used Quicktime 7 as our media player. Also note that testing was done without any other application running on the computer.
Windows XP
* 3.2 GHz single core
* 4 GB DDR2 800Mhz RAM
* 512 MB +VRAM w/a 1920X1080 resolution or higher
Windows Home Vista
* 2.8 GHz dual core
* 4 GB DDR2 1033Mhz RAM
* 512 MB +VRAM w/a 1920X1080 resolution or higher
Windows XP
* 3.2 GHz dual core
* 4 GB DDR2 1366Mhz RAM
* 1 GB +VRAM w/a 1920X1080 resolution or higher
Windows Home Vista
* 2.66 GHz quad core (i5 or higher)
* +4 GB DDR2 1033 or 1366/DDR3 16003Mhz RAM
* 1 GB +VRAM w/a 1920X1080 resolution or higher
The test results above only involve playback of 1080p video. 1080p video editing performance will vary significantly based upon the video editing program used.
If you plan on upgrading your computer to better process video from your ContourHD 1080p, you should consult a professional to make certain to select parts compatible with your motherboard. For example, some older motherboards will not support DDR2/DDR3 memory or graphics cards with 1GB or greater ram.