neue Gerüchte zur F800GS

Diskutiere neue Gerüchte zur F800GS im F 650 GS, F 700 GS und F 800 GS Forum im Bereich Motorrad Modelle; Jetzt fehlen nur noch Bilder. Könnte jetzt jemand bei BMW in night shift mal kurz ein paar Fotos machen. :D :D :D
Mister Wu

Mister Wu

Dabei seit
1150 GS & 1300 GS
Jetzt fehlen nur noch Bilder.
Könnte jetzt jemand bei BMW in night shift mal kurz ein paar Fotos machen. :D :D :D


Dabei seit
R 1200 GS / 2007
xs111 schrieb:
die 800'er GS wird definitiv kommen, Vorstellung in Mailand. Und die grosse Überraschung wird daneben stehen: eine neue 650'er. Allerdings weiss ich noch nicht, ob als GS oder als andere Type. Der Single wird nicht verbaut, sondern (haltet euch fest) ein 650'er 2-Zylinder. Ich vermute, dass der 800'er auf 650 reduziert wird.
Bzgl. der 12'er glaube ich, dass, wenn überhaupt, ein leichtes Facelifting die einzige Änderung ist. An mehr Leistung glaube ich nicht.
nochn' Peter meint, das macht Sinn!

Die DL650 V-Strom vekauft sich excellent im Mittelmeerraum. BMW wuerde sich einen neuen Markt oeffnen.


Dabei seit
Villiprott, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, NRW
R 1100 GS

Axelbern schrieb:
...Den BMW Händlern liegt eine Einladung zur Präsentation der F 800 GS Mitte November in Spanien vor...quote]

Moin, moin,

vom 06.11. - 11.11. findet die EICMA in Mailand statt. Ich denke, dort wird die F800GS erstmalig offiziell zu sehen sein, so meine Vermutung. ;)


Dabei seit
XJR 1300; Tenere700; Ducati Desert Sled; Triumph Scrambler XE
xs111 schrieb:
Bzgl. der 12'er glaube ich, dass, wenn überhaupt, ein leichtes Facelifting die einzige Änderung ist. An mehr Leistung glaube ich nicht.
die 12er GS wird jetzt mit 110PS kommen. sagt meine Quelle:D:D



Dabei seit
R 1200 GS LC Rally, G 650 XChallenge, Yamaha XT 500
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Dabei seit
Dombl schrieb:
Scheinen ja alles Fotomontagen zu sein. Aber die GPS800 fände ich einfach umwerfend.
Ja, sind alles Fotomontagen (kursieren auch schon seit mindestens einem Jahr im Netz). Gerade der Telelever der GPS800 fumktioniert überhaupt nicht: der Federweg ist bei dem kurzen Hebel viel zu kurz! Aber ist ja wie gesagt eine Fotomontage...


Dabei seit
12.5 ADV, 12.5 RT, X-Ch und CE 04
Ich wäre ja für 2 Versionen:

Version 1 mit Gussrädern und Riemenantrieb für Strassenfahrer
Version 2 mit Speichenrädern und Kette für Geländefahrer

Mal sehen was wirklich kommt :p
Mister Wu

Mister Wu

Dabei seit
1150 GS & 1300 GS
vision1001 schrieb:
Okay , ich schreibe meinen Text von #61 um ;)

Hallo Björn jetzt fehlen nur noch Bilder.
Könntest Du jetzt mal kurz ein paar Fotos machen. :p:p:p:p:D:p:p:p:p

Der Lustenauer

Dabei seit
Das statement von herbert diess auf der pariser messe kann hier gefunden werden:

Statement by Dr. Herbert Diess, President of BMW Motorrad, International Motorcycle Show "Mondial Du Deux Roues", Paris, 28 September 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Great to see you all here today at our Press Conference in Paris!

Today we are focusing on three highlights in particular:
· First, our latest sales figures for the first eight months of the year.
· Then, we will be considering how BMW Motorrad will be continuing into the future and how we will meet the challenges to come.
· And last but certainly not least, we will of course be presenting our latest product.

Let me start with our current sales figures.
We gave ourselves ambitious objectives right from the start at the beginning of the year, planning to deliver more motorcycles to our customers in one year than ever before. This is indeed a demanding target, considering that in 2006, selling more than 100,000 motorcycles, we already broke a very significant barrier.
As of the end of August, we are certainly going in the right direction: Delivering more than 75,000 units to customers, we have already sold 5 per cent more motorcycles than in the same period last year. And we are confident that we will reach our target by the end of 2007.
We have already reached a particularly important milestone this year, with deliveries of the R 1200 GS since 2004 now amounting to more than 100,000 units. This makes our large touring enduro the most successful BMW motorcycle of all times.
Although these figures give us every reason to look optimistically into the future, we definitely realise that the market is difficult and challenging and will remain this way for the entire European motorcycle industry.
So how will BMW Motorrad master the future and remain profitable?
The answer is clear and straightforward: We will consistently continue the model initiative we launched in 2004!
Our message was clear right from the start, stating that we will only be able "to really appeal and reach additional customers through new, desirable products".
Having launched 17 new models since 2004, we have virtually renewed our entire model range within just three years. In the process we have focused in particular on the complete renewal of our core range such as the GS and RT Boxer models as well as the Tourer and Sports Tourer models within the K-Series.
We have also opened up new segments for BMW, successfully appealing to additional customer groups. Last year, for example, we introduced the midrange F800 S and ST. And we have developed a brand-new generation of single-cylinder motorcycles, the extra-light and agile G650 Series comprising three different models.
Today we are proud to make you acquainted with another new model following our presentations.
In just a few weeks' time, we will also be presenting a number of additional new models, which likewise makes us very proud.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
All this clearly shows that we are continuing our model initiative at BMW Motorrad at a fast pace.
To expand our growth potentials to further segments and, indeed, to pick up further momentum in the market, we have decided to pursue a two-brand strategy, acquiring Husqvarna Motorcycles in the process.
Offering the market the broad range of Husqvarna models, we are able to expand our own portfolio more quickly to younger groups of customers and cater for the entire range of Offroad and Supermoto models, penetrating these segments even faster than with our core brand alone. At the same time we are able to use Husqvarna's worldwide sales and distribution network in the offroad segment right from the start.
Husqvarna is one of the greatest motorcycle brands in the world with a fascinating tradition, a company which to this day has set up numerous world records and achieved great success in motorsport. Even in 2007 Husqvarna has been equally successful in racing, so far leading the 450-cc Supermoto World Championship class and coming right at the top in the open class. They have also been very successful this year in the Offroad World Championship, once again bringing home a number of great victories.
A further point is that the Husqvarna model range has been significantly updated for the 2008 model year: Their models have become a lot lighter and more slender, now featuring optimised ergonomics and fuel injection.
This raises Husqvarna's models to an even higher standard in the world of motorsport. And it explains why, in our opinion, Husqvarna still has the full potential for a leading offroad brand.
A fundamental point is that we are now able, with this second brand, to grow in segments in which we were not represented so far. Because to remain successful in the long term, we definitely need profitable growth.
A particular challenge we are facing as a European manufacturer is the exchange rate of the euro versus the Japanese yen: Since the year 2000 the yen has lost almost 70 per cent of it’s value against the euro.
This advantage of our Japanese competitors in terms of the exchange rate benefits them in two respects: First, they are able to take a very aggressive stand in the market thanks to their much lower cost base; second, they are able to optimise their profits, benefiting from their increasing margins in the market.
So what are we doing to remain competitive?
· First, we are naturally improving productivity at our plant in Berlin and with our suppliers.
· Second, we are expanding our purchasing activities the world over in order to set off in particular the shift in currencies.
· Third, we are focusing on our particular strengths, which set us clearly aside from the competition. These are the outstanding quality as well as the technical and emotional uniqueness of our products.

One example is the recent introduction of traction control for our Boxer- and K-Series models as a truly innovative feature offering a significant improvement of active safety on the road. Indeed, this gives us yet another unique sales proposition in the market right now.
Another example is the new two-cylinder power unit in our F-Series, offering the highest torque in its class together with minimum weight and fuel consumption. And I am happy to tell you that we will very soon be offering further models with this unique power unit.
Our HP models are outstanding examples of the further emotional enhancement of our brand. As you know, HP by Motorrad stands for uncompromising technology of the highest calibre for the particularly demanding rider.
Introducing the HP 2 Enduro, we presented the first Super Enduro in the world for offroad riding in 2006. In 2007 we added the HP 2 Megamoto, the lightest and most agile Boxer for winding country roads.
Today we are proud to make you acquainted with yet another model in the HP Series.
But first, allow me to sum up the points I have made so far:
In my statement I have made you acquainted with three major modules through which we plan to grow successfully and profitably in the market:
· First, the continuation of our model initiative.
· Second, our now even more aggressive product strategy focusing on two brands – BMW and Husqvarna.
· And, finally, our ongoing strategy versus the competition.

However, we naturally realise that today you rightly expect not only a report on our business activities and an outlook into the future of BMW Motorrad, but also a truly outstanding innovation in our model range.
And that is precisely what we have to offer you!
At the beginning of my presentation, I referred to our model initiative and our intention to offer a very special BMW in the sports segment. So today we are proud to present precisely a motorcycle of that calibre, a motorcycle which will definitely thrill the real aficionado of the BMW Boxer - the HP2 Sport!
This unique motorcycle offers the utmost in technology and riding qualities while reducing everything to the essential as a typical feature of BMW HP. We have in fact developed the HP2 Sport as a motorcycle for outstanding achievements not “just” on the race track, but also on the road.
Our Head of Development, Peter Müller, will now present all the highlights and details of our new product.
I personally thank you for your attention and wish you a great time at the Motorcycle Show here in Paris.
Au revoir!


Dabei seit
R1200GS Adv + F800GS + KTM 450 EXC Factory
Die sagenumwobene F 800 GS wird ganz offiziell auf der EICMA in Mailand am 6.11.2007 präsentiert.

Quelle: Tourenfahrer Nov. 07 Seite 99


Dabei seit
R 1200 GS / 2007
Irgendwo ein 08/15 design fuer eine Enduro, aber nix BMW typisches. Koennte genau so aus Japan kommen.


Dabei seit
Waldecker Land
1150 GSA + Trekkingrad :-)
Mir würde sie gefallen.
Mal schauen in welchem Preissegment sie angesiedelt ist. Sicherlich im Obersten. Ob ein solcher Preis bei dem fehlenden Alleinstellungsmerkmal "Boxer" allerdings durchzusetzen ist, sei dahin gestellt...
Schwachpunkt für mich: die Kette. :(
Positiv: sicherlich leicht und handlich.
Da muss jeder selbst abwägen, wo er die Schwerpunkte setzt...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Dabei seit
ehemals R 1200 GS ADV
F 800 Gs

der Link ist eine reine Fotomontage. So "Enduro-Radikal" wird sie nicht aussehen, allerdings ist Kette 100%ig richtig
Mister Wu

Mister Wu

Dabei seit
1150 GS & 1300 GS
Na gut, dann stereue ich auch mal eine Fragwürdigkeit in die Runde. :p

Mir ist vor einiger Zeit eine Enduro entgegen gekommen.
Sah auf den ersten Blick wie eine 12er aus, aber der Boxer fehlte. ;)

Da ich auf dem Weg zur Arbeit an der Geburtsstätte der BMW’s vorbei fahre,
habe ich so Einges schon Tage/Wochen vor der offiziellen Bilderpräsentation gesehen.
12erGS/K1200S/HP2/MM und neulich irgend einen mattschwarzen Sportboxer OHNE Uderseat.


Dabei seit
R1200GS Adv + F800GS + KTM 450 EXC Factory
So soll sie aussehen
Diese Zeichnung kursiert schon einige zeit im Netz. da die Maschine faktisch wie eine grössere Kopie der 650er GS aussieht, glaube ich nicht daran, dass es wirklich die neue sein wird. Deshalb die Messe in Mailand abwarten, dann erübrigen sich Spekulationen.

neue Gerüchte zur F800GS

neue Gerüchte zur F800GS - Ähnliche Themen

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