Innovv K5 an GSA

Diskutiere Innovv K5 an GSA im Zubehör Forum im Bereich Modellunabhängige Foren; Hi Andi 87, Thanks for the order, Sorry for the English, I don't speak German :(. But I saw your post - I own and I have a recommendation...


Dabei seit
Hi Andi 87,
Thanks for the order, Sorry for the English, I don't speak German :(. But I saw your post - I own and I have a recommendation - the lens protector may be installed incorrectly, or not secured far enough up. The glass/sapphire should be firm against the front seal, and then the rear seal should be pressed against the back of it. It should be very water resistant when installed correctly. Please look at this instructions on the website / Support / (there is a link lower on the page for the lens protector install) - since I am a new account here I cant post external links.

The large seal goes in behind the glass, in your picture it shows the lens behind both seals, if you have any questions please reach out to me at
Again, sorry for not speaking ‎Deutsch here, but I wanted to reach out when I saw the picture! Let me know how I can help!


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Dabei seit
R 1250 GSA 2019
Hi there.
I double check and test it 2 days ago and it was leacking. I exactly following your assambly instructions.
Possible there is a second chance over the winter...actualy it's disabled and stored

P.S. When i take a look to your drawings, i assume that i miss the front seal that you are talking about. Let me double check it and i come back via P.M. to you


Dabei seit
The front seal is printed into the part, its just a part of the frame, you should be able to place the lens in the front and it sits in a soft TPU ring that is in-laid into the front of the lens protector, then you push in the larger rubber seal behind the lens. This should sandwich the glass/sapphire tightly when you install it. Be sure to clean the lens with some lens cleaner and let it dry completely before installing as well.

Innovv K5 an GSA

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