Hello from South Africa

Diskutiere Hello from South Africa im Neu hier? Forum im Bereich Community; Hallo und herzlich willkommen :motoradsmiley: sowie Grüße aus Hessen :yeahh:


Dabei seit
Hallo und herzlich willkommen :motoradsmiley: sowie Grüße aus Hessen :yeahh:


Dabei seit
R1200GS Triple Black 2011
Good day,
I am from Johannesburg, South Africa and I have been riding motorcycles for over 55 years now and I still ride everyday.
In my spare time I do guide tours around Africa.

I am a travel writer and a film producer.

Thank you for having me on your forum.
Hello Louie,
welcome to the one and only GS forum 😜. Have fun and enjoy the discussions. Btw, I lived in Jo-burg for about 2 years in the 1990ies. I guess, you know Morningside. 😁I worked as a consultant for Massmart in Sunninghill. I loved the country and the people and met some very nice guys. In 2019 I visited the country again, but especially Jo-burg has changed a lot since then. But anyway, the countryside is still a dream. I‘ll be back for sure within the next years. Cheers, Milan


Dabei seit
R1250 GS 40 Jahre Edition volle Hütte :)
Hallo Louie,

welcome here and enjoy ! take care, stay tuned

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